Alex Dworjanyn

Senior Associate at Lander & Rogers

Alex is a senior associate in Lander & Rogers' Corporate team, specialising in domestic and cross-border mergers and acquisitions in a range of industries. In addition, Alex advises on equity and capital markets (including schemes of arrangement, IPOs, secondary raisings and private placements), corporate restructuring and general corporate and commercial advisory work.

Alex works with buyers and sellers in the M&A space, with clients ranging from small-scale start-ups to ASX 200 companies. Alex also specialises in equity capital markets, regularly assisting ASX-listed clients with secondary raisings and private placements, as well as schemes of arrangement. Alex also works closely with clients in the commercial contracting space, with a particular focus on the biomedical technology industry.

Alex has completed secondments at Justice Connect, AIG and QMS Media Limited.

Alex coordinates the pro bono work for the Melbourne corporate team. Her work in this space focuses on corporate governance advice, legal structuring advice, setting up new not-for-profits and negotiating commercial agreements for not-for-profits.

Alex also has a strong interest in innovation and technology. During her secondment at Justice Connect, she worked closely with the homeless law team to develop the "Dear Landlord" application, which went on to win numerous awards, including the 2021 Good Design Award - Best in Class in Social Impact.
