Brian Harmon

Director of Regulatory Affairs at TAIT & Associates

Brian Harmon started out as a UST Tank Tester in 1983, before the EPA released the federal regulations. He has been able to see and meet the UST regulatory testing and monitoring requirements as they have developed on a state and federal level. Brian has performed the testing of Underground Storage Tanks in underfill/overfill mode, precision product line testing, various component replacements such as, drybreaks, leak detectors, and check valves. Brian was also responsible for the installation of overfill protection valves to help fueling stations conform to all regulations. Brian is well versed in all aspects of Underground and Aboveground fuel systems with regard to the monitoring, testing and meeting all of the paperwork requirements. Brian has helped clients develop and implement compliance programs for Aboveground Aviation Fueling systems, ensuring that they meet the local and FAA inspection and testing requirements. Mr. Harmon has worked with local and state regulators ensuring compliance with the local air districts requirements for gasoline facilities. As Director of Regulatory Affairs, Brian contributes to and comments on regulatory issues throughout the country. He recently helped author the newly published PEI Recommended Practice 1200 – Recommended Practices for the Testing and Verification of Spill, Overfill, Leak Detection and Secondary Containment Equipment at UST Facilities.

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