Project Manager / Owner

Project Manager at Geexu

Harish is a project manager and owner at Geexu. Project has previously worked as a frontend engineer at Ridecell, a senior software engineer at Symantec, and a software/UI developer at MangoSpring. Project has also worked as a programmer at Indecomm Global Services. Harish has experience working in a remote environment and their daily tasks include using JavaScript, React, React Native, HTML, SCSS, CSS, and GIT. Project is also familiar with agile methodologies.

A project manager/owner typically has a master's degree in information technology from a school such as the Maharashtra Institute of Technology. They also have a bachelor's degree in computer engineering from a school such as Kalinga University, Raipur. They may also have certification from Lynda.com in Foundations of Programming: Object-Oriented Design.

Senior Business Analyst - Senior Business Analyst, Project Assistant - Project Assistant, and Project Coordinator - Project Coordinator report to Project Manager / Owner. Project Manager / Owner reports to Vice President - Operations, Vice President. Some of their coworkers include Associate Vice President - Associate Vice President, Program Manger - Program Manger, and Senior Project Director - Senior Project Director.

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