Diall is the platform built for therapists to manage their private practice all in one place.
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You create new ideas that are impactful and prove useful. You re-conceptualize issues to discover solutions to hard problems. You challenge prevailing assumptions, and suggest better approaches. You keep us nimble by minimizing complexity and simplifying. You thrive on change. If you believe something can be made better, you put in the effort to do it. You accomplish important work at a high quality.
You collaborate effectively with people of diverse backgrounds and cultures. You nurture and embrace differing perspectives to make better decisions. You recognize we all have biases, and work to grow from them. You intervene if someone else is being marginalized. You are curious about how our different backgrounds affect us at work, rather than pretending they don’t affect us.
You meet others where they are. You extend others the benefit of the doubt. You make time to help colleagues. You treat people with respect regardless of their status or disagreement with you. You demonstrate consistently strong performance so colleagues can rely upon you. You make your colleagues better.
You ask questions. You show up for tough conversations with kindness and respect. You are clear and articulate in speech and writing. You listen well and seek to understand before reacting. You provide candid, helpful, timely feedback to colleagues. You are known for authenticity, transparency, and being non-political. You admit mistakes freely and openly. If you disagree with something, you explain openly why you disagree.
You are passionate about adapting to the situation. You learn rapidly and eagerly. You are open to feedback. You look to contribute even outside of your specialty. You seek to understand our community. You seek alternate perspectives. You have a pragmatic enthusiasm for what can be achieved.
You want to “get it right” rather than “be right”. You embrace vulnerability and set boundaries. You take responsibility and refrain from blaming. You say what you think, even if it is uncomfortable. You take smart risks and are open to possible failure. You question actions inconsistent with our values.