Philip Larsen

Undervisningsassistent at Aarhus Universitet

Philip Larsen serves as a scientific assistant at Aarhus Universitet since February 2021, specializing in qualitative and quantitative methods, educational policy, and contemporary diagnostics within the Department of Education. Concurrently, Philip has been a literary reviewer for Dagbladet Information since April 2017, focusing on German, Danish, and English social literature, and has worked as a freelance instructor at Grundtvigs Højskole since October 2022. Previous roles include research assistant and instructor at Københavns Universitet from April 2013 to July 2017, where Philip taught systematic empirical social science and fundamental research methods using software such as NVivo and Stata. Philip holds a cand.scient.pol. in Political Science from the University of Copenhagen and is furthering education at the University of Potsdam and the University of Colorado Boulder, complementing earlier studies in Nordic studies and political science at Københavns Universitet.
