Roland Martin

Roland Martin is full professor for neurology and neuroimmunology and heads the Neuroimmunology and Multiple Sclerosis Research Section and multiple sclerosis (MS) outpatient clinic at the University Hospital of Zürich. The main interests of his group are disease mechanisms of MS, cellular immunology, disease mechanisms of JC polyoma virus-mediated progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) and developing novel treatments for MS and PML besides providing care for MS patients in one of the largest MS centers in Switzerland. He and his group developed more than 10 projects from idea to early clinical proof-of-concept trials. One of these projects, Zinbryta®, was approved for the treatment of MS by EMA, FDA and Swissmedic.

Roland is a member of the Kuratorium of the Jung Foundation for Science in Hamburg, member of the core faculty of the Wyss Center Zürich, co-founder of the Drug Discovery Network Zurich and co-founder of the Therapy Development Accelerator at the University of Zürich.

Prior to University Hospital of Zürich, Roland held full professorships at University of Hamburg as director of the Institute for Neuroimmunology and Clinical MS Research, and at Vall D´Hebron University Hospital in Barcelona as ICREA research professor.

Roland holds an M.D. from University of Würzburg. He pursued postdoctoral fellowships in immunology, virology and neuroimmunology in Würzburg and at the Neuroimmunology Branch (NIB) at the National Institutes of Health, where he worked as tenured senior investigator and section chief of the Cellular Immunology Section, NIB, NINDS and NIH until 2005.
