ABC arbitrage

1 follower

We are a team of enthusiastic technologists, building innovative trading systems and asset management strategies since 1995. We develop systematic arbitrage models for liquid assets all over the world. The ABC arbitrage Group (Paris, Dublin, Singapour) is listed on Euronext Paris and since its inc... Read more


Paris, France




Org chart

Alexandre Ospital
CEO - ABC Arbitrage Asset Management

Alexandre Ospital

David Hoey
Gaëtan Fournier
General Secretary - Group ABC Arbitrage
Yves-Oleg Zajtelbach
Chief Investment Officer
Farida Radjabaly
Head Of Financial Operations
Marie Bourdelin
Head Of Business Development
Cédric Lorans
Head Research And Analysis
Eric Brousier
Head Of Group Legal
Cécile Boré
Head Of Human Resources
Meeraj Patel
Head Of Sales
Sophie Guieysse
Independant Director