Acuity, Inc.


Acuity, Inc. is a federal technology consulting firm headquartered in Reston, VA. Acuity provides deep industry expertise to help clients plan for the future, perform in the present and save taxpayer dollars while realizing real, measurable, and mission-focused results.




Org chart

Rui Garcia's profile picture
Rui Garcia
Chief Executive Officer
Profile photo

Rui Garcia

Benjamin Ben Harrison's profile picture
Benjamin Ben Harrison
Chief Operating Officer
Jannie Gardner's profile picture
Jannie Gardner
VP, Human Resources
Julia Correa's profile picture
Julia Correa
Vice President
Eric Lazerson's profile picture
Eric Lazerson
Vice President
Oksana Fiedler's profile picture
Oksana Fiedler
Vice President
Kerri Posteraro's profile picture
Kerri Posteraro
Vice President
Eric Holbrook
VP, Financial Services
Kc Wilberg
VP, Intelligence Community
Elan Keene
Head Of Marketing
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