Advenica AB


Advenica is a leading European provider of cybersecurity. Advenica develops, manufactures and sells advanced cybersecurity solutions that prevent intrusions, theft and data leakage at information exchanges. With future-safe and sustainable solutions, Advenica enable companies and organisations to ta... Read more

Org chart

Marie Bengtsson

Angie Sanhueza
Finance Manager
Caroline Ansheden
Industrial Designer
Fredrik Arborelius
Supply Chain Manager
Håkan Ahrefors
Information Technology Security Specialist
Mattias Viklund
Test Manager
Markus G.
Executive Managing Director
Patrik Fogelin
Customer Support Manager
Petra Lamorell
Marketing & Communications Manager
Rickard Nilsson
Vice President Sales
Sebastian Mauritsson
Chief Software Architect
Stefan Chevul
Product Manager
Thomas Carnehult
VP Product Management & Customer Services
Tove Bergdahl
Product Manager