Tomokatsu Yoshitoshi

Independent Non-Executive Director at Aeon Credit Service

Tomokatsu Yoshitoshi was appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Director of AEON Credit on 30 June 2016.

He obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Law (Political Science) from Keio University, Japan in 1975. He received his post-graduate education from the Graduate School of Business Administration, Indiana University, Bloomington Indiana, the USA in 1981.

He has over 44 years of a wide range of international business experiences based on 24 years of international banking career at the Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan, Ltd. including assignments in the USA, Brazil, and the UK.

Then he served as General Manager of Finance at the Daiichi Hotel, Ltd., Japan in 1998, General Manager of LDA Commercial Division at ING Life Insurance Co., Ltd. in 1999, General Manager at the Investment Trust Services Division in 2000.

He was appointed as President of ING Mutual Fund Management Co., Ltd. from 2002 to 2003. Subsequently, he served as General Manager of Bank Distribution Business Development at ING Life Insurance Co., Ltd. until 2009.

He served as an Audit & Supervisory Board Member at the Financial Products Group Co., Ltd. from 2012 until now.

In 2015, he was appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Director at AEON Bank Ltd., and as an Audit & Supervisory Board Member at FPG Trust Company Ltd. until now.

Currently, he holds the chair at both Remuneration Committee and Nominating Committee in the Company.

Yoshitoshi has attended all thirteen (13) Board meetings held during the year ended 28 February 2021.


  • Independent Non-Executive Director

    Current role