Aereco Group


Aereco develops innovative ventilation solutions for residential and office buildings with a key concept, the modulation of airflow rates according to the needs. With this principle associated to specific technologies, Aereco demand controlled ventilation systems fully meet the Building current chal... Read more






Org chart

Arthur le Pivert
Design Office Manager
Guillaume Maillot
Directeur Industriel - Industrial Manager
Houssein Elmi Dawale
Hardware Engineer / Project Manager
Stephane Fenioux
Electronics Department Manager
Juan Rios
Research Project Manager
Pierre Kraus
Lab And Additive Manufacturing Manager
Maxime Baffie
Export AREA Manager
Mouna Krafi
Group Performance Manager
Quentin Liebens
Public & Regulatory Affairs Manager
Albin Marchewka
Responsable Support Technique
Anna Mironova
Metrology Engineer
Erwan le Tilly
Responsable Achats
Ingrid Druyer
Assistante RH
Jeremie Tek
Responsable Comptable
Larcheveque Celine
Responsable Des Ressources Humaines
Nadia Keftouna
Coordinatrice RH
Patrick Kusche
Sabrina Benamara
Responsable Service Clients