The Service and Policy Management team at Agglo du Saint-Quentinois is responsible for formulating and overseeing the implementation of policies related to early childhood, youth, culture, higher education, digital strategy, and investment operations. The team collaborates on urban planning, economic development, and public policy evaluation to ensure effective and efficient management of communal services and infrastructure.
Audrey Chniti
Cheffe Du Service Evaluation D...
Aurélie Moreau
Directrice Du Developpement Ec...
Cordier Romain
Responsable De La Cellule D'op...
Fabrice Ruquois
Responsable Du Service Études ...
Marcelin Gombart
Conseiller Technique À La Dire...
Maxime Roux
Responsable Du Pôle Petite Enf...
Nicolas Devaux
Directeur Adjoint - Responsabl...
Stephane Mazeirat
Chef Sce Comptabilite Mutualis...
Virginie Ardaens
Vice-president En Charge De L’...
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