Jonathan has 29 years of experience as a board certified and recertified allergist with over 285 publications related to areas of his expertise. A Professor of Clinical Medicine at the University of Cincinnati and a partner of Bernstein Allergy Group and Bernstein Clinical Research Center. His area of expertise is treatment of severe disease including asthma, difficult to treat chronic rhinitis, recurrent sinusitis with or without polyps, urticaria, angioedema including hereditary and acquired forms, atopic and contact dermatitis and other skin eruptions, food allergy including food challenges and oral immunotherapy, drug allergy including challenges and desensitizations, immunodeficiency (which may include neuropsychiatric disorders such as idiopathic autoimmune encephalopathy aka PANDAS/PANS), mast cell disorders with or without dysautonomia, eosinophilia disorders, environmental disorders including mold-related illnesses, women's health issues including progesterone hypersensitivity, seminal plasma hypersensitivity and chronic vulvovaginal candida hypersensitivity, idiopathic anaphylaxis and other complex unexplained disorders. His practice is a referral center for patients around the country.