Altered State Productions


Altered State Productions provides creative marketing services such as branding, art design, email marketing services, video production, distribution, retailing, Ecommerce, immersive commerce, digital marketing, SEO services, advertising, affiliate, and more. CREATIVE - MARKETING - AGENCY - PARTNER... Read more






Org chart

Eddie Castillo
Media Director

Eddie Castillo

Brian Medina
Communications Director
Domenique Comparetto
Content Marketing
Combina Key
Influencer Marketing
Rey Contreras
Sr. Designer
Juno Complex
Sr. Sound Designer
Roberto Barrientos
Sr. 3D Designer

Behind the scenes



We blend Creative Production, Marketing Affiliate Partnerships, and Agency Services to merge art with business. By harmonizing artistic flair and technical acumen, we craft standout media. With Our Sight firmly set on innovation, we reshape media production to prioritize Your Vision. Our goal is to create a singular, boundless journey for brands, forging a unique path that resonates with audiences.


We find clarity in a realm where art and business seamlessly coalesce. In this space, every innovation serves as a beacon of creativity, and each strategy propels forward-thinking. We transcend mere perception, landing in a domain where our collective visions intertwine. Together, we shape a vibrant tapestry of the future, pulsating with creativity and endless possibilities.


Transcend the conventional boundaries of creativity. Through our pioneering SaaP (Service-as-a-Product) model, we weave a tapestry where art meets commerce, crafting a journey that is as effortless as it is extraordinary. Shopping for creative services is a harmonious dance - easy, pleasant, and accessible to all. Your Vision is not just realized but celebrated as a vibrant masterpiece.