Amara Raja Batteries Ltd


Amara Raja Batteries Limited is a manufacturer of lead-acid storage batteries for industrial and automotive applications in India. The Company's products are supplied to various user segments, such as telecom, railways, power control, solar and uninterruptible power supply (UPS) under industrial bat... Read more


Tirupati, India




Org chart

Jayadev Galla's profile picture
Jayadev Galla
Co-Founder & Chairman
Profile photo

Jayadev Galla

Narasimhulu Naidu C's profile picture
Narasimhulu Naidu C
Chief Operations Officer,ARBL
Rajesh Jindal's profile picture
Rajesh Jindal
Chief Marketing Officer, Automotive Batteries
Harshavardhana Gourineni's profile picture
Harshavardhana Gourineni
Executive Director–Automotive & Industrial, ARBL,
Vikramadithya Gourineni's profile picture
Vikramadithya Gourineni
Executive Director-New Energy Business, ARBL
Venkataramana Prasad A's profile picture
Venkataramana Prasad A
President, Group Strategy and Corporate Planning
Jaikrishna B's profile picture
Jaikrishna B
President (Group HR)
Venkat Madhav L
Executive Vice President, Group SCM
Venkata Krishna
Vice President, Sales & Marketing, Industrial Batteries, ARBL
Sajan P David
Business Head, Amara Raja Electronics Limited
Divakar Sukumaran
Business Head - Galla Foods
Dwarakanadha Reddy
Business Head, Projects Division, ARPSL
Vikas Sabharwal
Group Head, Secretarial & Legal
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