American Academy of Physician Associates

1 follower

The American Academy of Physician Associates (AAPA) is the only national professional association that represents all PAs across all medical settings and specialties in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, U.S. territories except for Puerto Rico, the armed forces and the federal services. AAPA... Read more




Org chart

Lisa M. Gables

Chantell Taylor
Chief Of Public Affairs And Advocacy
Donna Nogay
Senior Vice President, Marketing And Membership
Jennifer M. Orozco Dmsc
Chief Medical Officer
Daniel Pace
Chief Strategy Officer/vice President, Education And Research
Lisa Burns
Director Of Strategic Initiatives
Kristin Culverwell
Senior Director, Education Operations And Financial Management
Andrea Lowe
Director, Health Equity, Partnerships
Brian Dautch
Director, Constituent Organization Outreach And Advocacy (cooa)
Kristin Sanders
Director, Data Analytics
Ismael Anderson
Lead Developer