
1 follower

Antavo is an enterprise-grade SaaS loyalty technology provider that builds engaging loyalty programs to foster brand love and change customer behavior.

Org chart

Attila Kecsmar's profile picture
Attila Kecsmar
CEO and Co-founder
Profile photo

Attila Kecsmar

Gábor Csarnai's profile picture
Gábor Csarnai
CTO, CO-founder
Zsuzsa Kecsmar's profile picture
Zsuzsa Kecsmar
Co-Founder & Chief Strategy Officer
Sheila Power's profile picture
Sheila Power
Chief Sales Officer
Miklos Kovacs' profile picture
Miklos Kovacs
COO & Finance Head
Miklós Kovács' profile picture
Andy Nemes' profile picture
Andy Nemes
VP, North America & Co-Founder
Tibor Tasi
Product Manager
Andras Taraszovics
Head Of Product
Eva Bacsi
Global Head Of Marketing
Giulia Filoso
Head Of Innovation
Sara Arecco
Head of Customer Success
Balazs Domotor
HR Director