Michael Hickey

Advisor at Apprenda

Mike Hickey is currently President of The Hickey Group and an Executive in Residence at Siena College. In his previous role as President of Pitney Bowes Business Insight (PBBI), Hickey managed a global software business to record revenue of $400 million with over 1900 employees. As President of Pitney Bowes Business Insight from 2007 until 2010, Mike merged two like-sized former public software companies (MapInfo and Group1 Software) into one integrated global business that became one of the 70 largest software companies in the world. Hickey was with MapInfo since 1995 and served as Chief Operating Officer from 2002 through the acquisition by Pitney Bowes in 2007. During his tenure at the company, he was a key executive that helped drive revenue from $35 million to $186 million annually and eventually sold the company for $480 million to Pitney Bowes.