The Operations and Safety Coordination team at Atalian Sécurité plays a critical role in ensuring the effective management and execution of security operations across various sites. They oversee compliance with safety regulations, coordinate training programs, and facilitate communication among team members to maintain high standards of security and operational efficiency. By leveraging their expertise, they ensure the safety of personnel and clients while fostering a culture of excellence in service delivery.
Ahmed Laaraj
Chef D’equipe De Sécurité Ince...
Charlotte Chagaar
Animatrice SSE
Christophe Jeanjean-...
Coordinateur Site" LE TOIT DE ...
Christophe Meteyer
Responsable D'exploitation
Ludovic Didden
Agent De Sécurité Conducteur D...
Moh Salah Medjahdi
Natalia Bogacka
Responsable Des Opérations
Richard Borowski
Responsable D'exploitation
Sylvain Selaries
Responsable Des Opérations
Valentin Janin
Responsable Des Opérations / O...
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