Atlantic Container Line

1 follower

Since 1967, ACL has been a specialized transatlantic carrier of containers, project and oversized cargo, heavy equipment and vehicles with the world’s largest combination RORO/Containerships. The company’s headquarters are in Westfield, New Jersey with offices throughout Europe and North America. AC... Read more





Org chart

Andrew Abbott
President and Chief Executive Officer

Andrew Abbott

MacIej Kersten
Chief Engineer
Krasen Nikolov's profile picture
Krasen Nikolov
Chief Officer
Anders Ivarsson's profile picture
Anders Ivarsson
Chief Operating Officer
Mindy Weissman Cpa, Cgma's profile picture
Mindy Weissman Cpa, Cgma
Vice President Controller & Treasurer
John Gore's profile picture
John Gore
Vice President Commercial Europe
Crapanzano Luciano's profile picture
Crapanzano Luciano
Director, Marine Operations And DPA At Atlantic Container Line
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