Leadership Team


The leadership team at ATP Ejendomme has a long history of experience in various industries and companies. They have worked as fuldmægtig / head of section at Finanstilsynet, Erhvervsstyrelsen, Udlændinge-, Integrations- og Boligministeriet, and Justitsministeriet, Civilstyrelsen/Ministry of Justice, Department of Civil Affairs. They have also been web editor med projektlederansvar at Widex A/S, project manager (communication) at talentagent.dk, IT project manager at Gyldendal, international editorial coordinator at Everyday Webguide AB, accountant/finance assistant at A.P. Moller Holding, accountant at Patrizia Danmark, accountant at Schneider Electric Danmark A/S, and teknisk chefkonsulent at Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen. Most recently, they have been divisionsdirektør service & teknik at Jeudan A/S and servicechef at Siemens Building Technologies.

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