Susan Burkett

Immediate Past President at AVS

Susan Burkett is the Alabama Power Foundation Endowed Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at The University of Alabama (UA) since January 2008. She has 25 years of experience as a faculty member at three institutions: The University of Alabama, The University of Arkansas, and Boise State University. Her Ph.D. is in electrical engineering from the University of Missouri - Columbia. Professor Burkett’s research interests are in the area of materials for microelectronic applications. For over 15 years, she worked on 3D integration packaging schemes, specifically copper-filled and copper/carbon nanotube-filled through silicon vias. More recently, she has worked on several NSF-funded educational projects. Professor Burkett coordinates a Research Experience for Undergraduates Site on Renewable Resources. Until 2018, she was the Campus Director for the Alabama Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation grant. Another grant, Transforming Undergraduate in STEM Education, introduced students across the nation to research methods. In 2016, she was awarded a grant to develop educational materials for a preparatory course in Circuit Analysis. Before coming to UA, she served as a Program Director at NSF in the Division of Undergraduate Education. There, she was responsible for managing and funding programs for the development of exemplary materials and instruction in engineering education. Professor Burkett has been a member of AVS since the early 80s. Her AVS activities include: Board of Directors (2014-2015), MEMS/NEMS Technical Group (2004-Present), Professional Leadership Committee (Chair 2013-2018), AVS UA Student Chapter Advisor (2012-2019), History Committee (Chair 2009-2013), Short Course Executive Committee (1995-2005, Chair 2002-2004), Governance and AIP Board Member (2019).