Biron Health Group | Biron Groupe Santé

1 follower

Biron is one of Quebec’s leading healthcare providers. Founded by Denis Biron in 1952, we now have more than 120 care centers and sleep care clinics across Quebec, and more than 800 employees. As we've innovated in our diagnostics and radiology businesses, as well as the emerging areas of genetic t... Read more



Brossard, Canada




Org chart

Caroline Biron
President and Chief Executive Officer

Caroline Biron

Mathieu Larose
Vice-président, Affaires Juridiques & Gouvernementales / Vice President, Legal & Government Affairs
Pierre-Olivier Bousquet
Interim Director Of Operations - Medical Laboratory And Genetics
Msc Ines Gbegan Auditor
Vice President Finance
Emeline Gleitz
Head Of Marketing, Biron Health At Work Division (interim)
Luc Desrosiers
Vice President It, Call Centers, Ia/bi & CIO
Jérôme Théorêt
Senior Director, Supply Chain And Logistics