Leadership Team
The leadership team at BLDG25 has a history of digital marketing, public relations, and marketing. They have also been active members of the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) and have interned in the Department of Health and Exercise Studies at North Carolina State University. In addition, they have been North Carolina Civic Fellows at You Can Vote and have served as the Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) and Head of Client Solutions & Success at BLDG25. They have also been Managing Directors at Triangle Impact Partners and Vice Presidents, Program Management at Fidelity Charitable. Furthermore, they have been Senior User Interface Designers at Jackrabbit Online Class Management Software and Partners at Left Shoe. Lastly, they have been Senior UI/UX Designers at BiblioLabs (a division of LYRASIS), partners at Intellectual Alchemy Inc., Gaming Industry Chair Steering Committees at Wake County Economic Development, Co-Founders and Co-Chairs at East Coast Game Conference, and Managing Directors of Design & Gaming at Vaco, LLC.