The leadership team at BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF PHILADELPHIA INC. has a history of experience in various industries and fields of education. The team has a strong foundation in business and leadership, with a focus on English and executive leadership. This team is dedicated to providing the best possible experience for the children they serve.
Ariel Cerud
VP, Programs & Training
Ariel Goldring
EVP, Strategic Support, Traini...
Jeffrey A. Agranoff
Chief HR Officer
Jerry Houck
EVP, Programs & Facility Opera...
Kelly Lemberger
EVP, Literacy, Education, & Tr...
Libby Lescalleet
EVP, Programs, Partnerships, &...
Mare Shipton
VP, Youth & Family Services
Shakir Johnson
VP, Programs & Athletics
Shanelle Coleman
VP, Outreach & Programs
Wendi R. Wingfield
Finance Specialist