William J. Raver

External Advisory Board Member at Brandes Investment Partners

After serving as Corporate Treasurer of Young & Rubicam, Inc. and Cadbury Schweppes, Inc., William J. Raver moved to the buy side of global capital markets, becoming Director of Research at Evaluation Associates, then Managing Director/Chief Operating Officer of Verizon Investment Management ($65 billion in assets under management [AUM]) and finally CEO/Chief Investment Officer of the National Railroad Retirement Investment Trust ($32 billion in AUM). Today he manages his own firm, Alban Row Investments, providing consulting and advisory services to retirement plans, endowments, foundations and money managers. He also serves as a Director or Investment Committee Member for a number of financial institutions, including a NYSE-listed insurance company. Mr. Raver holds an MBA in International Business from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania (where he was a Joseph P. Wharton Fellow) and a BA in International Affairs from Lafayette College, where he has served as a trustee and alumni association president.



  • External Advisory Board Member

    Current role