The Medical Specialists team at Budai Egészségközpont is dedicated to providing comprehensive healthcare services through a diverse array of specialized medical expertise. With professionals in fields such as internal medicine, cardiology, dermatology, and endocrinology, the team collaborates to deliver personalized treatment plans, manage complex health conditions, and promote overall patient well-being. Their multidisciplinary approach ensures that patients receive high-quality care tailored to their individual needs.
Anna Madarasi
Specialist, Allergology
Antonya Gábor
Specialist, Internal Medicine,...
Bartha Gréta
Specialist, Internal Medicine,...
Bartos Tímea
Specialist, Internal Medicine,...
Borús Hajnal
Specialist, Internal Medicine,...
Farsang Csaba
Specialist, Internal Medicince
Ferenc Máriával
Specialist, Addiction, Psychol...
Gosztola Petra
Specialist, internal Medicine
Katalin Várdi
Specialist, Allergology, Pulmo...
Zsuzsanná Márk
Specialist, Allergology, Pulmo...