Conrad Pinette

Board Member at Canfor Corp

Conrad Pinette of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada is Chairman of the Board of both Canfor Corporation and Canfor Pulp Products Ltd.

Mr. Pinette's work in the Canadian forest industry began 40 years ago as an owner and President of a family lumber business, Pinette & Therrien Mills Ltd. Mr. Pinette has also served as Executive Vice President, Tolko Industries Ltd. (2005), Executive Vice President, Riverside Forest Products Limited (2004) and served as President and Chief Operating Officer of Lignum Limited from January 1990 to April 2004.

Mr. Pinette is the former Chairman of Finning International Inc. and a former Director of Gold Canyon Resources Inc., TimberWest Forest Corp, Northgate Minerals Corporation, A&W Revenue Royalties Income Fund, Finning International Inc. and the British Columbia Business Council. His is currently a member of the Vancouver General Hospital and University of British Columbia Prostate Advisory Board.