Robert McWilliam

Independent Non-Executive Director at Card Factory

Rob was Chief Financial Officer of Asda from 2018 to 2021; and between 1997 and 2012, held a number of senior roles within the Asda group including Commercial Finance & Strategy Director and Business Change Director. In between his two periods with Asda, Rob was Vice President, UK, Finance Director and then Vice President of Consumables at Amazon UK. Rob was Independent Director of YPO (from 2017 to September 2021) and was previously a Non-Executive Director of Ten Entertainment Group plc where he was also the Chair of the Risk and Audit Committee.

Current external appointments: Rob is currently Non-Executive Director and Trustee of Jisc, Non-Executive Director of Venture Simulations Limited and Non-Executive Director of Fruugo plc (all of which are unlisted).
