The Healthcare Support Team at Caring Professionals is dedicated to providing comprehensive and empathetic care to individuals in their communities. This multidisciplinary team, including Certified Nursing Assistants, Social Workers, Visiting Nurses, and Home Health Aides, collaborates to ensure seamless patient support. From new patient intake and CDPAP enrollment to personalized in-home care and medical record management, the team works together to foster trust and promote the well-being of every client.
Ariela Bortz-Feder
Social Worker + New Patient Li...
Asia Jetaime T.
Certified Nursing Assistant
Bah Djibril
Healthcare Specialist
Elena Kim
Cdpap Enrollment Supervisor
Kourosh Mosheh Nassi...
Home Health Aide
Madina Rizaeva
Visiting Nurse
Maria Thomas Rma
Cdpap Personal Assistant
Mariya Kim Fpc
Cdpap Home Health Aide
Mileny Amadis Sánche...
Homathender HHA
Virginia R Burgos He...
Community Liaison
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