Cavatina Holding

1 follower

Cavatina Holding is the largest Polish office space developer. Company has been present on the market since 2015 with a current portfolio of 0,5mln sq m of office & mixed-use projects. The Group operates in major cities in Poland like Warsaw, Krakow, Lodz, Wroclaw, Gdansk & Katowice. The projects co... Read more

Org chart

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Rafal Malarz

Łukasz Zarębski's profile picture
Łukasz Zarębski
Head Of Marketing & Communications
Diana Kolenkiewicz's profile picture
Diana Kolenkiewicz
Human Resources&international Development Manager
Joanna Pieczko
Manager Ds. Kadr I Płac
Anna Cioch
Head Of Residential Sales & Leasing
Martyna Messjasz- Nowakowska's profile picture
Martyna Messjasz- Nowakowska
Head Of Interior And Executive Design
Marta Madej
Dyrektor Działu Projektowania Inwestycji