C & E Publishing, Inc.


Established in 1993, C&E Publishing, Inc. was initially engaged in the business of reprinting and distributing foreign medical and science books with acquired copyright licenses from international publishers. However, at the advent of the 21st century, the company has embarked on a publishing thrust... Read more




Org chart

Candida S. Gomez
President and CEO

Candida S. Gomez

Gerric Gomez
Vice President - Business Development And Growth Markets
Mary Grace Eugenio Mba
Assistant To Vice President Content Development Department
Richard Morales
Senior Business Solutions Officer
Jona Agacita
Assistant Manager - Financial Accounting
Judith Dimaguila
Recruitment Head
Ely Mar Valdez
Business Solutions Officer
Levi Bayarcal
Business Solutions Officer
Florelyn Deseo - Felicisimo
Senior Sales Manager