The Medical and Clinical Support team at Centre Hospitalier de Maubeuge is dedicated to enhancing patient care through multidisciplinary collaboration. This team provides essential clinical oversight, educational resources, and specialized medical services, including nephrology, pain management, and emergency care. They also play a vital role in developing quality improvement initiatives and ensuring patient education and support, ultimately aiming to elevate the standard of healthcare within the community.
Christelle Verie
Cadre De Sante
Francine Laurent-Dan...
Physicienne Médicale
Justine Raimant
Enseignante En Activité Physiq...
Makenzi Douze
Chef De Service De La Nephrolo...
Manica Vasseur
Responsable Du Dépôt De Produi...
Rabah Ouzerrout
Consultation Plaies
Rebecca Roussel
Coordinatrice De Conseil Local...
Romain Dewilde
Responsable D’unité Fonctionne...
Sabine Odin
Coordinatrice Éducation Du Pat...
Sabrina Barsoum
Manager Des Services De Santé
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