Ceragon Networks


Innovative, flexible and cost-effective wireless backhaul and fronthaul solutions that enable mobile operators to deliver broadband services to their subscribers

Org chart

Doron Arazi's profile picture
Doron Arazi
CEO & Interim CFO
Profile photo

Doron Arazi

Michal Goldstein's profile picture
Michal Goldstein
Chief People Officer
Ulik Broida's profile picture
Ulik Broida
Chief Product Officer
Hadar Vismunski-Weinberg's profile picture
Hadar Vismunski-Weinberg
EVP, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary
Wendy Winkeler's profile picture
Wendy Winkeler
COO - North America
Carlos Alvarez's profile picture
Carlos Alvarez
President, Latin America
Mario Querner
President, APAC & Africa
Ram Prakash Tripathi
President, India
Ronen Rotstein
President, North America
Oz Zimerman
EVP, Global Corporate Development
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