Gordon Norman

Advisor at Ceresti Health

Dr. Norman has 30 years of experience in population health, value-based care, and provider transformation. His career has focused on supporting provider & health systems, ACOs, and health plans as they pivot to the value-based care era where cost efficiency, quality outcomes, and experience of care are balanced to formulate the overall value of health care delivery.

Most recently, Dr. Norman led the Health System Consulting practice at Willis Towers Watson where he worked directly with health systems transitioning to value-based care. Previously, he served as Chief Medical Officer for xG Health Solutions, where he adapted and disseminated the value-based care know-how and tools developed by Geisinger Health System for other delivery systems transforming from fee-for-volume to fee-for-value care models. Before that, he held a series of executive leadership roles in multiple sectors of the healthcare ecosystem, with a consistent focus on population health management and value improvement.
