Jim Missildine

Territory Manager at CEV Multimedia

After retiring from the public school system, Jim Missildine joined iCEV because he understands classroom needs and enjoys lending a helping hand to other educators.

"He enjoy visiting with teachers and assisting them with curriculum," Missildine said, "It keeps me connected to education."

He graduated from Texas State University where he received his bachelor of science in 1978 and his master of education in 1983. He later went on to graduate with his administrative certification at St. Mary's University in 2003.

Before becoming an iCEV employee, Missildine taught at Marion High School in Marion, TX for 29 years. As an agricultural science, health, and speech instructor, Missildine has won many awards including the Teacher of the Year Award at Marion High School in 2007. He was also a finalist for Ag Teacher of the year, which was promoted by Dr. Rahe at Texas State.