Ashlie Lamp

Qualified Mental Health Specialist Coordinator at CHILD AND ADOLESCENT BEHAVIORAL HEALTH

Ashlie Lamp began working at C&A in 2016. She is a Stark County native, born and raised in Massillon. From an early age, Lamp knew she wanted to make an impact on her community through working with children. Lamp, a Licensed Independent Social Worker (LISW-S), who earned her bachelor’s degree in social work from Malone University and her master’s degree in social work administration (MSSA) from Case Western Reserve University. Lamp is C&A’s qualified mental health specialist coordinator and school-based therapist.

Throughout her time at C&A, Lamp has worked as a qualified mental health specialist, prevention specialist with Early Childhood Mental Health centers and AoD (alcohol and drug) prevention, office-based.

therapist and school-based therapist in Plain Local and Massillon City Schools. Lamp identifies the following as the most fulfilling parts of her job, “being able to be present at the school to intervene in crises and coaching students to use interventions, watching them be successful in overcoming challenges in a variety of settings. It has also been fulfilling to assist in the professional development of staff.”