Jeremy Paul Abson

Jeremy Paul Abson is an Independent Director, and is currently the President and CFO of TBG AG, an investment company located in Zurich, Switzerland. Mr. Abson has more than 20 years’ experience in financial and general management. Prior to joining TGB AG, Mr. Abson was the Chief Operating Officer of Usaha Tegas Sdn Bhd (“UTSB”), a multi-billion investment company which had significant interests in the telecommunications, media, power, energy, marine logistics and real estate sectors. Prior to working at UTSB, Mr. Abson was a Partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers. Mr. Abson holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Manchester University, UK, and is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. He also completed the Advanced Management Program at the Harvard Business School in October 2011.