The Software Development team at Computer Network Systems Limited is responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining innovative software solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of both public and private sector clients. Utilizing various tech stacks, the team collaborates closely to ensure high-quality code through rigorous testing and quality assurance processes. Their focus on emerging technologies and digital transformation enables CNS to deliver cutting-edge IT outcomes, leveraging their extensive expertise and resources at the Global Development Centre.
Ismail Hossain Tushe...
Assistant Software Engineer
Jahid Ahmed
Software Engineer
M.D. Mashud Rana
Software Programmer
M.D. Tanvir Hossain
Software Engineer
Mahamudul Nobi Mohon
Senior Software Engineer
Mizanur Rahman
Software QA Test Engineer
Mohammad Azizur Rahm...
Senior Software Engineer
Mohammad Hossain
Senior Software Engineering
Sumaya Islam
Software Quality Assurance Eng...
Umma Habiba Emu
Software Quality Assurance Eng...
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