
1 follower

Copernicus is the best partner for investment funds that want to invest in corporate secured debt and Real Estate Asset in Europe. We are an independent Special Servicer so we can associate with financial institutions and funds from all over the world. We advise our clients in the process of purchas... Read more


Madrid, Spain




Org chart

Andrés Cerdán
CEO Of Copernicus Real Estate

Andrés Cerdán

Javier Sánchez
Global Head Of Underwriting
José Antonio Silva
Managing Partner Portugal
Juan Uscola
Managing Director Spain, Portugal & Peru
Alfonso Unzurrunzaga
Chief Operating Officer
Gonzalo Moro
Head Of International Expansion
Jérôme Vallée
Country Manager
Verónica Hernández García
Real Estate Portfolio Manager En Copernicus
Juan Uscola Lapiedra
Managing Director Spain And Portugal
Paula Pascual López
Architect. Real Estate Manager At Copernicus