Leslie Martin

Non-Executive Director at Credit Corp Group

Leslie Martin is the current Non-executive Director at Credit Corp Group. Leslie has held numerous positions at various companies throughout their career.

Leslie started their career at JPMorgan in 1979 as Corporate & International Cash Mgt. Leslie then moved to Westpac in 1994 and became their General Manager. In 1995, they became Director at BPay and held that position until 2000.

After a short break, they joined Commonwealth Bank of Australia in 2004 as their Executive General Manager for Product Portfolios: Working Capital Services and Banking Products. During their time there, they were also responsible for Core Banking Modernisation. Leslie left the company in 2010 to join IMA Asia.

In 2012, Leslie joined EFTPOS Payments Australia Limited as Director. Leslie remained in that role until 2017 when they joined Credit Corp Group as their Non-executive Director.