The Medical and Hyperbaric Team at CūtisCare LLC provides comprehensive hyperbaric oxygen therapy services and support for acute care hospitals. This team of specialized medical advisors, liaisons, clinical nurse managers, technologists, and registered nurses ensures the safe and effective use of hyperbaric chambers for patient care, while also collaborating on research and trauma treatment protocols.
Ashley Keenberg
Certified Hyperbaric Technolog...
Bob Bartlett
Medical Advisor
Bsn Justin Baliram R...
Clinical Nurse Manager
Juan Bravo
Medical Advisor
Kailee Stobbe
Physician Liaison
Kathryn Bremer
Certified Hyperbaric Technolog...
Kim Yamauchi
Certified Hyperbaric Technolog...
Louis Pilati
Medical Advisor
Seth Roden
EMT Hyperbaric Technician
William Davison
Hyperbaric Technician