The Cyber Security Team at focuses on safeguarding the company's digital assets through threat detection, incident response, and implementing protective measures. The team specializes in areas such as network security, identity and access management, and cloud security to ensure robust defense against cyber threats. They work collaboratively to monitor and mitigate security risks, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of corporate data.
Alessandro Fondacci
Cyber Security Analyst
Angelo Dolce
SOC L1 Analyst
Daniele P.
Cybersecurity Infrastructure &...
Davide Lanfranchi
Cyber Security Specialist
Edoardo Giuggioloni
Cyber Security Specialist
Gabriele Ventura
IT Security Specialist - Ident...
Lorenzo Antonelli
Cyber Security Specialist
Nicolò Tescari
Cyber Security Specialist
Paolo Ottolino
Cybersecurity Solution Special...