James R. Cash

Senior Consultant at Demonstratives

Mr. Cash performs the extraction and decoding of recorded data recovered from transportation vehicles of all types relating to work across multiple offices of ESi.

He worked for 35 years as a recorder specialist at the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). While there, his work focused on establishing specialized laboratory facilities and equipment, research, development, and implementing cutting-edge technology for the recovery of data from damaged electronic recording devices, including onboard accident recorders, GPS and other avionics displays, video recordings, and still images from sources such as hand-held and security cameras, and data contained in smartphones and tablets. Additionally, for the past 20 years, he represented the U.S. government position at both domestic and international aviation and maritime recorder meetings, establishing minimum performance and equipment requirements.

Mr. Cash was a pilot in the U.S. Air Force and has over 3000 hours flying fighter aircraft. He possesses multi-engine instrument ratings in aircraft and has experience in both piston and turbine helicopters.