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Edgeworks Solutions is a retail solution company.
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As a company throughout the years, we constantly expand our product and services by doing new things like CRM, BI, mSales, AI and etc. There is a desire to explore and innovate. We also try to expand into a new market like Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and etc. Exploration and innovation must remain to be something we encourage in our organization.
As a company, we wish to be inclusive and not discriminate non Christians employees. I think generally whichever religion our employee believes, these moral values remain quite similar, because morality is written in each of our conscience by God.
A common phrase that has been with the company is “Pressing On”. This is also from a Bible verse that says “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” -Phil 3:14.
We are inspired by a verse in the Bible, which says “If the ax is dull, And one does not sharpen the edge, Then he must use more strength; But wisdom brings success.” -Ecc 10:10. We give a winning edge to our customers, staff and the society. A word that represent this value that is the word Empower. Our core value is that we seek to empower people around us. When we interact with one another, we always seek to empower them. Leaders empower team members so that they can empower our customers.