The Technical Team at Effigis is responsible for developing and implementing technologically advanced geosolutions. Comprising experts in cartography, geomatics, geospatial data analysis, and embedded systems development, the team ensures the delivery of precise, innovative, and customized solutions for various client needs worldwide. They also handle quality assurance, project coordination, and provide technical support across different operational facets.
Anh Hai David Nguyen
Embeded System Developper
Denis Gervais
Engineering Director
Etienne Riel
Data Analyst
Gabrielle Lajeunesse...
Analyste En Géomatique
Jonathan Guertin
Technicien En Cartographie
Lysiane Perret
Technicienne Ressources Humain...
Maude Vincent
Junior Graphic Designer
Mauricio Mella
Analyste En Traitement D'image
Mikael Mwango Musany...
Survey Technician
Pascale Perreault
Coordonnatrice – SIG Et Relevé...
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