Eric Romaniszyn

Senior Scientist & Project Manager at EnviroScience

Based out of the Asheville, NC regional office, Eric Romaniszyn is a Senior Scientist with EnviroScience’s southeastern operations. Eric has worked in natural resource protection of rivers, streams, lakes, and wetlands since 1994, but his interest in water developed much sooner. Living near a stream growing up, his parents always knew where to find him when it was time for chores.

Eric has worked for EnviroScience since March 2022 but also worked six years for the company earlier in his career. In between, he spent 18 years in the nonprofit sector working for a western North Carolina watershed conservation organization. His career has taken him throughout the Atlantic Coast, Southeast, and Mid-Western parts of the country.

Eric’s work focuses on environmental assessments, biological assessments, threatened and endangered species surveys, NPDES permit compliance, Phase II Stormwater Program Compliance, 404 and 401 environmental permitting, and wetland delineations. Within those focus areas, he has extensive experience coordinating stakeholders from private, commercial, industrial, and government entities; community education and engagement; collecting biological, chemical, and habitat data for evaluating stream health; writing grants and technical reports; and developing Scopes of Work and QAPPs.

Eric holds a B.S. Biology from Kent State University (1994) and a M.S. in Entomology from The University of Georgia (2000). His graduate research focused on aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates in drift and their implications for trout food resources.

He has also served on multiple local, regional, and state advisory committees focused on watershed restoration, education, and greenways. These include the NC Water Resources Research Institute Advisory Committee, NC Watershed Stewardship Network Steering Committee, Tennessee River Biodiversity Network Steering Committee, and French Broad River Partnership.


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