Ian Elliott

Founder & CEO | Business Transformation | Inbound Digital Marketing | Information Technology at Executive and Strategic Solutions

Ian Elliott has had a long and distinguished career in business. Ian began their career in 1978 as a Production Supervisor at Burroughs Corporation in the UK. In 1982, they moved to NCR Corporation as an Operations Manager and was tasked with assessing the viability of a £20MM facility printing and collating business forms. Ian then returned to Burroughs Corporation in 1984 as a Product Manager and Sales Manager, where they set up a new Product Management department and established a sales territory in London and S.E. England, respectively. In 1988, they joined Nu-kote International, Inc. as Vice President of Business Development & Product Management and then Executive Vice President of Business Development & Strategy in 1998. In 2006, they became the CEO of CertiCell, LLC, a reverse logistics company focused on asset value preservation. In 2011, they became the President of Print-Rite North America, Inc. and the Founder & CEO of Executive & Strategic Solutions, LLC. In 2015, they became the CEO of Power-eCommerce, Inc., a leading e-commerce technology solutions provider. Throughout their career, Ian has been involved in various aspects of business, including social media, inbound digital marketing, strategic consulting, enterprise computing, big data, digital catalog management, e-commerce, and more.

Ian Elliott obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of Wales between 1975 and 1978. In 2017, they obtained a HubSpot Inbound certification from HubSpot in February and a HubSpot Marketing Software Certified certification from HubSpot in March.
