Finance Sector Union of Australia


The FSU was formed from the amalgamation in 1991 of various smaller unions drawn from the banking, insurance, trustee, brokering, and general finance industries.




Org chart

Wendy Streets' profile picture
Wendy Streets
FSU National President
Profile photo

Wendy Streets

Paul Ferrari's profile picture
Paul Ferrari
Governance Finance & Risk Committee Member
Angela Budai's profile picture
Angela Budai
National Policy Officer
Fiona Zapantis
Union Organiser
Joanne Nava
Acting State Secretary Nsw/act Branch
Julia Angrisano's profile picture
Julia Angrisano
National Secretary
Laf Zuccarello
Union Organizer
Laura Barrow
CRM Analyst & ICT Projects Coordinator
Lilly Brown
Industrial Advocate
Nicole M.
Industrial Advocate
Phil Robinson
Ethical Finance Campaigner
Riley O'Connor
Administration Officer
Shaeleen Martin
Union Organiser
Stephen Povey
Industrial Advocate
Sa Fin William Wong
Trade Union Organiser ( Industrial)
Will Wong
Employee Of The Union
Clive Pattison
National Research Officer
Julian Maleevsky
Communications And Marketing Officer
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