Frank Hoogenraad

Frank has worked at Ford Motor Company, Systems Analyst 1967 to 1970; Monash University, Organisation & Methods Officer 1970 – 1977; and Hoogies Hardware PL, Founder/Managing Director 1978 to 2012, and Consultant 2012 to present

Frank has also worked as a volunteer at Diamond Valley Association for Parent-Controlled Christian Schools (Plenty Valley Christian College), Convenor and Founding Chair 1970 to 1980; Mount Evelyn Christian School, Director 1980 to 1987; Flinders Christian Community College, Director 2011 to present; Careline Inc, Telephone, Counsellor 2017 to present; and Gateway Family Church, CAP Debt Centre Manager, and Debt Coach 2017 to present

Frank’s qualifications include GAICD, Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors